The Next Step Online Course

Sale price Price $200.00 Regular price

This is a pre-recorded course that Kate led LIVE in Sept. 2020


If you are considering this class please enjoy the 1st session for free! Click HERE

(please note that this is the only video that is recorded from a side view as there were some technical difficulties with the recording of this session. All other videos are recorded from a straight-on viewpoint)


This will be a self-led, self-paced course that you can take your time going through OR use as a landing place each week to deepen your awareness of and connection to your heart. 

You will get:

  1. 10 hours of guidance from Kate through a 1 hr video for 10 weeks that includes:
  • Kate reading a chapter from Heart-Minded ( book by Sarah Blondin)
  • Kate leading you through a guided relaxation movement practice (seated)
  • A recording of the guided meditation that is associated with each chapter of the book.   

         2. a hard copy of Heart-Minded ~ How to Hold Yourself & Others in Love mailed to                   you

         3. $25 off of The NEXT next Step (Part 2 of this course based on the 2nd half of                    the book) which starts in Sept. 2022


Feel free to email me with any questions at
