V is for VALUE

Hey all!

Part of the reason I started this blog was to help you get a better understanding of how the ABC's of Happy works. There's not a right or a wrong way, you can use it however you want.

Today I'm going to share with you how I've been practicing V for Value. I randomly picked this card and hadn't read it in a while. So, I put it on my nightstand and every morning or every night or both, I try to  read through it. I'm not perfect and there are definitely days when I forget, but I can tell my thinking is shifting.


I didn't realize until a few weeks ago that I've been thinking more on what's really important to me or what I VALUE in life. I've also noticed that things that once seemed  important, aren't as important as they used to be. I guess my values are changing.

Another cool thing that's happened recently is I've been invited to be in a test group for an inspirational/motivational life change course. A lot of this course has focused on asking ourselves what we value and then going after that. A coincidence? I think not.

I believe when you're ready to look at certain areas in your life, things in you begin to open up and things around you support that process. I'm still practicing V for Value because I feel like there's more that needs to be rearranged in my life so I can truly live according to my values.

Keep practicing happy!


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